2024研究生目录1.1(冬天春天) [存档目录-咨询您的学术顾问为您的目录年]

职业治疗(入职等级O.T.D.) - HEGIS代码1208.00

The entry-level 占领al Therapy program is built on the foundation provided by the current, 认可硕士课程.  The OT masters’ curriculum is designed to provide students with the general knowledge and skills needed to be successful entry-level practitioners.  The OT doctoral curriculum is designed to build on this foundation while providing in-depth course work in several areas which collectively provide the students with the necessary knowledge and skills to act as change agents within the profession, 社区, 和社会.  

The first two years (current masters’ curriculum) is based on a developmental perspective with courses in the first year focusing on content preparing students for practice with adolescents and adults.  This first year is followed by a three-month full-time fieldwork level II in a setting providing OT services to adolescents and adults.  The second year focuses on content preparing students for practice with children and their families.  The didactic portion of the second year is 1 ¼ semesters with the other ¾ of the second semester comprised of the second level II fieldwork, 这次是在为儿童提供OT服务的环境中. 

第三年侧重于变革推动者的角色, 作为倡导者提供内容和发展技能, 教育工作者, 领导人, 理论的开发者, 高级实践治疗师. 


The following program goals and curricular threads apply to the foundation knowledge and skills obtained in the first two years of the graduate program.

课程主题#1:  占领 这是职业治疗课程结构中不可或缺的一条线吗. 这个项目的成功毕业生将......

项目目标1: Demonstrate an understanding of how engagement in occupation supports participation in context.

  • At the end of the first year: Articulate a working definition of OT and apply occupationbased concepts to the occupational therapy process within practice settings.
  • At the end of the second year: Evaluate and facilitate occupation-based practice with people, 人口和社区.

课程主题2:  自治,  批判性思维 是临床推理发展的重要基础, 反思性思维, 以及基于证据的实践所需的综合研究. 这个项目的成功毕业生将.......


  • At the end of the first year: Develop 反思性思维 and apply circles of evidence to the occupational therapy process within practice settings. 
  • 第二年末:分析和综合证据,支持创新, 以职业为基础的人的实践, 人口和社区.

课程主题#3: 专业发展 is critical to the continuing competency of an occupational therapist who responds in a professional, 有效的, 道德态度. 这个项目的成功毕业生将......

项目目标3: 展示道德和专业行为.

  • At the end of the first year: Develop awareness of ethics and professional behaviors and apply concepts in a variety of practice settings.
  • At the end of the second year: Identify and navigate ethical and professional dilemmas to support positive outcomes for people, 人口和社区.

课程主题#4: 的欣赏 多样性 是文化响应和尊重他人的基础吗, 人口和社区. 这个项目的成功毕业生将......

项目目标4:证明 cultural responsiveness and an appreciation of 多样性 to promote 职业法官 and inclusion. 

  • At the end of the first year:证明 an appreciation of diverse social and environmental factors impacting health, 职业法官, 以及在不同背景下的职业参与.
  • At the end of the second year:证明 skills in addressing occupational needs of diverse people, 考虑到社会和环境因素的人口和社区.

课程主题#5: The program supports practice competencies across the occupational therapy process in varied settings. 这个项目的成功毕业生将......

项目目标5:证明 胜任的职业治疗实践 在整个职业治疗过程中, 人口, 以及社区和其他专业人士的合作.

  • At the end of the first year:证明 competency in the roles and activities required of a highly 有效的, collaborative entry-level occupational therapist practicing in a variety of adult contexts.
  • At the end of the second year:证明 competency in the roles and activities required of a highly 有效的, collaborative entry-level occupational therapist practicing in a variety of children contexts.

课程主题#6: 该计划强调 研究 and evidence to support decision-making inherent to the practice and scholarship of occupational therapy. 这个项目的成功毕业生将......


  • At the end of the first year:证明 the skills necessary to be an informed consumer of 研究.
  • At the end of the second year:证明 the skills necessary to be an informed consumer of 研究, 综合现有的决策证据, 终身奖学金.

第三年的深度学习是建立在这些基本线索之上的. 符合课程的意图和项目的使命, students continuing on to year three will develop advanced competencies in the roles of an 变革的推动者.  Successful graduates from this program will become change-agents demonstrating the knowledge and skills to competently perform as: 

  • 高级最佳实践职业治疗师. 毕业生将能够分析和评估最佳实践, synthesizing information from a variety of sources in order to apply those practices to individuals, 在多种情况下和跨系统的人口和社区.
  • 教育工作者. 毕业生将能够分析和评价教育理论, 运用这种理解, 以及教学设计, 创造教育体验.
  • 提倡. 研究生s will be able to apply an understanding of systems analysis to identify when such systems either impede or facilitate 职业法官 and health equity. Students will select and appraise strategies for their ability to advocate for systems change.
  • 理论开发人员. 研究生s will be able to apply the process of theory development to an identified area that would benefit from an alternative perspective or model of practice to ensure 职业法官 for individuals, 人口和社区.
  • 领导人. 研究生s will be able to analyze and evaluate current models of 领导人hip in order to adopt a model appropriate to a specific context, 使他们作为领导者能够实施有益的变革.



A certification exam prep course will occur at the end of the spring semester of the third year.